Bizzare Story that Happened to Me Today | Somaliwave
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Bizzare Story that Happened to Me Today


🇸🇴💚[A Madman with a Wisdom]💚#PIM🇸🇴#N&NDown
Feb 16, 2019
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So yesterday I was at a restaurant ordering food and some old native guy came on me and started yelling and making a scene at the restaurant, this man was trying to fight with me and had the audicity to say I slept with his old lady.

I was shocked to this accusation because I have never met the fool before in my life second I was pretty sure I didn't sleep with her, the manager came between us and asked him to leave while telling me he might be mixing me with someone else.

Just half an hour ago I am chilling infront of the library smoking a cigarette and the same old guy comes strolling and started accusing me again this time he says I raped his women and gave her drugs that knocked her out, WTF a ****,shit was weird and I threatened to knock his old out, this idiot gets scared and pulls out a nail , the staff heard the commotion and breaks us apart. so now I am thinking there might be guy who looks like me and is doing these things.
