Big Y DNA test needed from certain clans | Page 126 | Somaliwave
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Big Y DNA test needed from certain clans

Thanks for the info. I understand T2T is the latest and most advanced sequencing method but thought most of the new samples would automatically come in this form?

I submitted all the available upgrade options for the kits in the previous pic but didn’t receive any confirmation email just a side by side comparison of the old and new snps. I guess it’s based on available software or new features for each kit or something.

We shall see!

I don’t think there is a way to realign VCF files to T2T, they will need BAM files for those samples. I know it sucks but you will have to pay FTDNA to prepare the BAM files for export.

I will cover the cost of the one in progress. Could we find an individual or a group willing to sponsor the upgrade of one of the Muuse Dhariye samples? Having at least one T2T sample in each branch will enhance clarity, benefiting everyone involved.
Update: One of the Madhiban brother’s kit has been upgraded from VCF to BAM just waiting on analysis.

I have a question on yfull upgrade options? What’s the difference between Hg19/Hg38 & T2T? I’m trying to figure out what each SDPP sample is. Unfortunately many of the older samples are not BAM files so they’ll be more costly to upgrade.

Hg19, Hg38, and T2T-CHM13 are progressively refined human genome reference sequences. Each version builds on the previous, enhancing accuracy and filling gaps to provide a more comprehensive representation of human genetic diversity.
T2T-CHM13 released 2021 with ongoing updates is the latest and most complete, accurate and detailed, particularly in complex and previously unresolved regions.
BAM files must be analyzed using the same reference with which they were generated. Using a different reference can lead to errors, as the alignment in the BAM file are specific to the original reference.

The image below shows the location for Y18629 for a BAM file referenced to Hg38.
  1. Reference used.
  2. Position.
  3. Reference allele, for this position is G.
  4. The A is the sample allele, in this case 19 reads and they all have A value. This the sample is derived/positive because it has a value different from the reference.
BAM loc.png

Here is the same information put together by YFull in a more user-friendly way.

BAM loc2.png
I don’t think there is a way to realign VCF files to T2T, they will need BAM files for those samples. I know it sucks but you will have to pay FTDNA to prepare the BAM files for export.

I will cover the cost of the one in progress. Could we find an individual or a group willing to sponsor the upgrade of one of the Muuse Dhariye samples? Having at least one T2T sample in each branch will enhance clarity, benefiting everyone involved.

Yes we were able to purchase the BAM file for one of the Madhiban samples and I was able to upload to yfull. It’s currently processing.

Let’s see how this goes and we can do the same for the Muuse Dhariye sample. What do you think? Either way works for me. Just want to see the process play out.547F61EE-8AF1-4C78-AEB9-FA65D576EEA3.jpeg
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Yes we were able to purchase the BAM file for one of the Madhiban samples and I was able to upload to yfull. It’s currently processing.

Let’s see how this goes and we can do the same for the Muuse Dhariye sample. What do you think? Either way works for me. Just want you to see the process play out.547F61EE-8AF1-4C78-AEB9-FA65D576EEA3.jpeg

I sent you the upgrade cost of the Madhibaan sample. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.
I sent you the upgrade cost of the Madhibaan sample. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.

Jzk walaal🙏🏾. Got the payment.

Insha Allah I’ll upgrade one of the Muuse Dhariye samples as soon as the Madhiban brother is complete.